Uw merk draait op een eigen identiteit. Wilt u deze wereldkundig maken met audio? Dan is NOVAZ de perfecte keuze. Wij produceren voor u de perfecte custom-made audio, die uitdraagt waar u voor staat.

BNR Nieuwsradio, Hoog Catharijne, Ahoy Rotterdam, UDC, Powned!, NH Hoteles,, Financiele Dagblad.


Audioclip voor Citymoves

Ahoy in Rotterdam is one of Europe’s biggest and most prestige live venues. Since the 1970’s Ahoy has been home to a lot of world’s biggest artists, business and sporting events. NOVAZ created a bunch of audiologo’s or ‘mini-songs’ that reflect the diversity of Ahoy. The themes are being used in corporate films, voice response, at events, and in commercials. 

Catwalk intro voor Maison Scotch and Ugg Australia.

Vooraankondiging van Veronica’s SUNSET GROOVES festival

For events and parties that really need to stand out NOVAZ can create your custom audio logo. Here’s a example of a commercial that we made for Crazy Sexy Cool. 

NOVAZ imaging for Boom Festival Italy. Featuring an opener for the radioshow, DJ intro drops for the event and sound design for the video teaser.

As DJ and producers duo, Bassjackers  are remixing for A-list artists like Rihanna and Moby. Their dancefloor bomb ‘Mush mush’ was one of the biggest club/festival tracks of 2011, dominatinig the beatport top 10 for over 2 months.
NOVAZ produced custom tailored imaging, voiced by legendary Z-100 voice and imaging guru Dave Foxx. Bassjackers can be heard on the SiriusXM App for smartphones, on SiriusXM Internet Radio and on the Edge and Lynx satellite radios.